Elite Brows and Beauty
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Elite Brows and Beauty
Elite Brows and Beauty, LLC 407-917-0995 Alexis Kaplan; Phenix Suite 111; Winter Park Born and raised in New York City, I now call myself a Floridian for the past 6 years. Throughout my entire life, I have always had a passion for design and make-up with an appreciation for the highest quality of


Initial microblading procedure $450 (180 minutes)

Your initial microblading appointment is roughly a 3 hour appointment.  When you arrive, you will fill out paperwork, discuss the procedure, draw on your eyebrows, take pictures and apply the topical numbing medicine. My schedule is extremely tight and booked. So please note, if you feel you need more time to discuss the procedure, please book a consultation.

ALL PRODUCTS ARE AMERICAN MADE AND OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY. The topical numbing medicine is prescription strength from a compound pharmacy in Tampa, and I use hypoallergenic pigment made in the USA. 

A $100 NON-refundable deposit is taken when booking your procedure to hold your time slot for microblading on that specific date. Rescheduling will require an additional deposit and most likely a considerable wait. After booking your appointment online the system does not charge you anything but is necessary for my cancellation policy. You will be sent the link to pay your deposit after booking.

Discounted mini touch-up (60 minutes) within 4-6 weeks for $50 (it is the client’s responsibility to book this session in advance and within the allotted time-frame: PLEASE NOTE: at least 85% of MY WORK must be present to qualify for this service.)

Additional touch up if needed (90 minutes)…. 3 to 12 months $250 (... again for all future touch up's it is the client’s responsibility to book these in advance!) 

Yearly Microblading fill-in $250 (120 Minutes)

This is a service for those of you who have had microblading done by me; and want to continue to have that "ELITE" look! In order to meet the criteria of this service, clients must send a high quality image of their brows and contact me to discuss expectations of the service. YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST 80% OF MY WORK RETAINED IN ORDER TO MEET THIS CRITERIA. Decisions will be made on a case by case basis.

Eyebrow Consultation $100 (60 minutes)

Questions related to the microblading procedure can be answered on the website, email or by phone. If you would like a consultation at my office prior to booking I charge a $100 fee. You should know that $50 will be applied toward your initial microblading procedure.

Lip blushing full service $450 (180 minutes)